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Exercising Gratitude

This is true for both negative thinking, positive thoughts, and gratitude. As one can see, there are many people who have used gratitude in their own lives and attest to how powerful and healing it can be. From Aesop to Oprah Winfrey, the power of gratitude has transformed lives and healed relationships. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction during the holidays, reach out to Changing Tides Treatment. Our team is here to provide support and guide you through the journey to recovery.

Gratitude isn’t just a nice thing to do — it’s a key component to long-term recovery. As you focus on being grateful even when things go wrong, you’ll find that there is still so much you can be thankful for. It doesn’t have to be a grandiose feeling of appreciation every day. You can simply feel grateful that you made it through or that you didn’t take your bad day out on anyone else. The body needs healthy foods to heal from addiction, so improving your diet can play a major part in recovery. Explore new foods, or learn to cook – but take specific steps to give your body the energy it needs to work on recovery.

What are some ways to cultivate a thankful mindset in addiction recovery?

Gratitude strengthens sobriety, reduces relapses, and provides generally better outcomes after treatment. Learning to adopt a grateful attitude takes a tremendous amount of patience and practice. According to Harvard Health Publications, gratitude ultimately will help with not only addiction recovery but the rest of life as well. Even the process of learning how to practice gratitude helps you learn the patience that you need to complete your recovery and avoid relapse. Gratitude impacts recovery by reminding you of what you have and what you’ve accomplished. People who practice a grateful attitude tend to be more peaceful and happy.

The FHE Health team is committed to providing accurate information that adheres to the highest standards of writing. This is part of our ongoing commitment to ensure FHE Health is trusted gratitude in recovery as a leader in mental health and addiction care. When someone is addicted to drugs or alcohol, getting and using them becomes a priority –and recovery should be a priority as well.

Ways to Maintain an Attitude of Gratitude in Addiction Recovery

Taking time to focus on gratitude, especially during the holidays, allows us to be present, content, and feel more positive emotion. Just being grateful for the gift of recovery is a great place to start your gratitude practice. Instead of focusing on material possessions this holiday season, these nine tips can help you practice gratitude in recovery and learn how to be thankful and content with what you already have. At Lifeskills South Florida, we’re here for those seeking help with a drug or alcohol addiction. Entering treatment is the first step to recovery, and we focus on equipping clients with coping and self-care skills for reintegration back into life once out of treatment.

Practicing gratitude by thanking someone who lets you cut in line in the supermarket because you only have one item is an appropriate way of showing gratitude and ingraining it into your own practices. If you started to expect such a favor all the time, however, your entitlement could lead to refusal and then hostile thinking. Gratitude for even the smallest courtesies can promote a consistent sense of thankfulness. If someone holds the door for you or lets you merge into traffic on a busy road, make a conscious effort to be grateful. Once you’ve been able to adjust to this mindset of gratitude as your default, negativity will creep into your mind far less often, even when negative circumstances arise.

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